Saturday, August 11, 2007

iPhone iSwap application

Okay, so I was getting too many apps on my iPhone to hold on just one screen so I wrote a little script to swap out the home screen to a second screen.  If anyone is interested in d/l-ing the file I put it up here: 

I originally put this up on a site called 4shared but they invalidated my account after 24 hours and said that I hadn't logged in for 30 days...  I had signed up that night.  Sheesh!  Well, I'm going to try someone else.  Hopefully this site will be more reliable:

Download Here

This is the same version as I'd put up earlier, however, I changed the icon.png (it's the one that's shown in the video and matches the default.png screen) and I put another .rtf file from a post I made on a forum trying to better describe the DisplayOrder.plist file.

BTW, after trying to figure it out for a while I found out how to launch a shell script from an icon (which is what I'm doing in this app).  I'll post another entry explaining how if anyone is interested.


Codeless Blogger said...

I did this and i had to restore my iphone becuz ur app deleted my core services

KennX said...

Did you open up the script in a text editor on Windows? The only way that could have happened was if the mv command inside the app were truncated (like if return characters were introduced into the file). I just downloaded it again myself to make sure that nothing went wonky with the upload or zipping and it looks/works fine for me. Sorry you had problems. If you want to try again (don't blame you if you don't) you could open up the file and make sure it is not line wrapping and is text only.

KennX said...

Here's an example of it working. I've changed the icon from the download (to match the default.png screen) but it's the same app.

Codeless Blogger said...

I would so try it again, thanks for the help, but Im using that just brings up a menu I cant figure out how to configure it though if I dont Ill use yours ;-)

Tina M. Weise-Freeman said...

Nice , about time someone figured something out !

I posted this link on , hope you do not care.

Unknown said...

hi if you could please post a more detailed description on exactly how to install and modify the plists. i want everything i have now to show up on the first screen and then add new stuff to the second 1. thanx this is a great app

Unknown said...

hi i kinda got it working, but the 3 apps i installed nes,installer,and terminal all show up on both screens. i edited the plist in displayorder i put the string with the app name in special area, and put them to show up in screen2. now the original icons don`t show up on screen2 and the fieldtest i moved to screen2 is now there and gone from my original screen(like they should) i think there is a problem with 3rd party apps showing up in both screens. any advice please. thanx again

Unknown said...

i finally figured it out. you need to open the apps info.plist and copy the identifier to either show up or hide in the screen of choice. works great. you might need to add a 3rd screen soon with all these apps and games being released.

KennX said...

Funny you should mention that. I'm currently testing v.2 of my program to make sure it's okay. It will basically allow unlimited number of screens to be configured. I've included 4 set up (but commented out all but 2 since I figure that's what people have now). Unfortunately, I didn't get any speed increase with the new program or keep it from having to log back in after the change (not sure that is going to be possible). But, this new version should be a bit safer and it is definitely more scalable.

Unknown said...

great kennx, i can`t wait for v.2. this is byfar 1 of the best apps so far. great job

Unknown said...

hey kennx any word on when you will be releasing v.2? patiently waiting LOL

KennX said...

Right now I'm in the process of putting together a 'full meal deal' sort of thing with iSwap v.2. I wanted to release it with a theme already configured... so that there's less on the users end to have to figure out. Also, trying to put together a bit of a guide. The app itself is done and I've had it on my phone for several days (also wanted to make sure it was stable, etc.). This weekend was basically shot for me as I was at a convention until just now... but as soon as I get 'the package' put together I'll be posting it up here. I would say, conservatively I'll have it up by Thursday of this week but it will probably be soon than that in reality now that I can actually start doing stuff on it again.


Unknown said...

great kennx i saw on mmi forums that you posted if any1 wanted pre-release. well i would definiteley like it. thanx

Evan said...

Hey KennX, can u help me install it on my phone? I use apptapp(Installer) and I use iPhone driver to put stuff in my phone. I got iSwap and theres the little icons and stuff that I copied into the apps folder, but when I click on a new screen, its the same thing, so its either a copy or just the same screen, can u help?

Anonymous said...
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Aliday said...

Please republish the archive. The link is broken

Aliday said...

Please republish the archive. The link is broken