Friday, September 28, 2007

Early iPhone Adopters Given Present?

Early iPhone Adopters Given Present?

Okay, you've all heard about the new 1.1.1 firmware that locks the iPhone (at least for now) tighter than Cameron Frye ( two weeks you'd have a diamond...) So... maybe we DO. I got to thinking about what it would mean for early adopters that haven't gone down the road of no return and upgraded our firmware. If 1.1.1 does keep people out then Steve just made these Early Adopter iPhones the ONLY hackable iPhones. Cha-Ching! I bet their value will have increased dramatically (more than the $100 difference between what we paid and the rebate we got).

Also, we've only had these things for 90 days and the hacking community has increased the number of features AMAZINGLY! As long as we can either figure out a way to replicate the features that Apple adds (or do without them if they're not that big a deal) then staying at 1.02 will mean not having to worry about these updates anymore. The hacking community can just base everything off 1.02 (or a 'version' of 1.02 if we start flashing custom firmware).

In any case, for those who didn't do the upgrade but are thinking about doing it... it's something to consider. These might be the last great iPhones that are user customizable. I saw a checklist someone had assembled showing a Before 1.1.1 and After and it was pretty striking the number of features we've added so far to this baby.I DO hope that a way is figured out to do upgrades on 1.1.1 and future updates... however, I'm not counting on it. There hasn't been a lot of success with the Touch and I think that might have been Apple's testing ground for locking them both up. When it comes right down to it, however, this time the Early Adopters are ahead of the curve and I say that's well worth my extra $100.

Thanks again Steve! :)


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Woot! Apple listens, makes things 'alright'.

The Steve wrote an open letter today letting us know that he's giving us 'early adopters' a $100 credit both online and retail at the Apple Store.  While not the full $200, this is the kind of gesture that we were looking for.  After all, this means that Apple is eating $100 million dollars in these credits just to say 'Thank You' to those who made the iPhone a success.

Thanks Steve!


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sign the Petition!!! iPhone Early Adopter Compensation

If you bought an 8GB iPhone for $599 don't take this slap in the face from Apple lying down. Apple has just lowered the value of your 69 day old phone by $200! This petition seeks to get Apple to 'see the light' and do something in the form of iTunes or Apple Store credit for those who helped make the iPhone such a success!

read more | digg story

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

iPhone Multi-Theme support in upcoming iSwap!

Here's a video showing iSwap v.2's interoperability with some of the other cool programs that have come out recently for the iPhone (Dock and XLaunch for example) as well as a demo of an upcoming feature which allows a different visual Theme for EACH of your iSwap screens!!!

read more | digg story